Sultan – Sofa Pathshala
This Unique Preschool was started for slum children in 1980. It was named Sultan-Sofa Pathshala in honor of the famous artist Sultana and the renowned writer Ahmed Sofa because of their love for disadvantaged children. NETZ Bangladesh – Partnership for Development and Justice contributed to run this Pathshala till 2009. Afterwards BASTOB has changed the shape of the Pathshala and shifted it from Dhaka city to the rural part of Dhaka and Cox’s Bazar. Now, this Pathshala, nurtures children between the ages of 4 and 6 years so that they can get admission in Govt, Primary schools. The main concept of the Pathshala is to make children prepared for school by providing in –house coaching. Children get basic education and learn values, behavior and hygiene practice.
BASTOB is currently running 8 of these Pathshalas: 5 in Dhaka and 3 in Cox’s Bazar having approximately 240 children in total. In each Pathshala, one female teacher is assigned to facilitate day to day activities of the class for a period of 3 hours daily. The children were given dresses and books.