Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)
The Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP) is an initiative for the development of microenterprises, jointly developed by the PKSF and the World Bank aims to increase the implementation of eco-friendly practices by a chosen group of microbusinesses (MEs). The Electrical items industry, a sizable subsector of Bangladesh’s overall manufacturing economy, is encouraging the growth of a number of other enterprises. There are roughly 34 Light Engineering (LE) clusters spread across 18 districts across the country. The market, which is currently valued at USD 12 billion, is anticipated to grow to USD 25 billion by 2025. Only 50% of the local demand is met by local production, leaving a sizable gap for import replacement. The project aims to increase adoption of environment friendly practices, knowledge of workers on personal safety and reduce health hazard, promotion of electrical products produced by MEs and promotion of alternative use of workshop wastage for better environmental management. The project has been carried out in Demra, Keraniganj, Jatrabari & Dhaka South City Corporation.
Project Activity
The activity of the project has been categorized in three sections, revenue-generating activity, capacity buildings.
Non-Revenue Generating Activities
Waste Carrier Van: The SEP team has provided 3 waste carrier vans to ensure better transportation of waste from the surrounding waste dumping sector. The electric team has provided 150 waste bins among MEs in order to ensure environmental cleanliness within the workshops in Demra, Jatrabari, and Keraniganj.
Establish Environment Friendly Model Workshops: In the Demra, Jatrabari, and Keraniganj clusters, 18 environmental friendly model workshops have been built.
Establish Information Hub: An information hub has been constructed in Donia to facilitate the exchange of diverse information across MEs. The MEs have benefited from this center by receiving a variety of information on their branding, licenses, and certificates.

Sustainable Electric Accessories and Tools Industries Development or Employment | View Details as PDF