Low Cost Housing

Construction of Cyclone Resistant Low-Cost Housing and Skill Development Project

BASTOB submitted a project proposal to Climate Trust Fund, Government of Bangladesh for construction of cyclone resistant low-cost housing in 2010. The project was primarily accepted by the Government. For final selection of the implementing partners, the Government gave the responsibility to PKSF. We got approval letter from PKSF for Taka 24,244,000.00. Agreement was signed and two installments of Taka 40% and 30% were received. For implementation, there is another partner ‘Sukhi Bangla Foundation’. The working areas are Cox’s Bazar, Chittagong Bagerhat and Khulna.

At a Glance progress of project is as follows:

Working areas Name of Work Quantity Achievement Till June 2013 Achievement from July 13-march 2014 Comment
Chakaria and Ramu Upazilla of Cox’s Bazar 1 House 30 24 6 Completed
2 Latrine 30 18 12 Completed
3 Tube-wells 3 2 1 Completed
Boalkhali andRaujan of Chittagong District 1 House 50 0 34 Third phase
2 Latrine 50 0 34 Third phase
3 Tube-wells 5 0 3 Third phase
Morrelganj of Bagerhat 1 House 40 0 18 Ongoing
2 Latrine 40 0 18 Ongoing
3 Tube-wells 40 0 4 Ongoing
Khulna 1 House 40 0 Third phase
2 Latrine 40 0 Third phase
3 Tube-wells 4 0 Third phase