Skill Development Training

Skill Development Training for the Climate Change Victims

Pilot adaptation activities for women in urban slums supported by Center for Global Change (CGC) and Federal Ministry for the Environment, NATURE Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany. This is a co-pilot project addressing the need of city slum women who are climate change victims and have migrated to the cities. BASTOB is the project implementation organization of CGC to implement the project activities in Dhaka and Cox’s Bazar districts. BASTOB is implementing this project naming it “ Skill Development Training for the Climate Change Victims”.

The goal of the project is to make the disadvantaged women financially solvent. The major objective of the project is to increase the trade skill of the women to make them employed and self-employed so that they can make their livelihood in slum areas of cities. Under this project there are provisions to train up to 120 female in various need based trades. These trades would be selected locally as per demand of the interested women who will choose their respective trade considering their employment and self-employment facility. During 1st January to 30th June 2013, BASTOB provided training to 70 women on dressmaking, cow rearing and Beauty Parlor. From July 2013 to March 2014, BASTOB provided training to 110 women on dressmaking (100) and Beauty Parlor (10). Total 180 participants were trained instead of 120 as we could minimize cost.