The project seeks to empower the Rohingya community residing in Cox’s Bazar refugee camp by utilizing cultural and educational centers established in February 2023. These centers serve as both a means to preserve Rohingya culture and as educational resource hubs for refugees, offering diverse activities tailored for individuals of all ages and genders. Through dialogues, arts and crafts sessions, training programs, and thematic discussions, the centers aim to create a vibrant learning environment that fosters cultural preservation and community empowerment.

Over the designated period, the activities comprised six advocacy meetings, two focused group discussions, five community awareness sessions, one quiz competition, two needle craft competitions, four painting competitions, and one each of story writing, poem competition, and storytelling. Additionally, a total of 14 Burmese language sessions were conducted. These endeavors were aimed at fostering community engagement, cultural enrichment, and skill development among participants across various domains.