Sustainable Enterprise Project



PKSF in collaboration with the World Bank designed a microenterprise development project

titled “Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)”.

  • The goal of this project is to increase the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices

by targeted microenterprises (MEs).

  • The proposed project will support microenterprises in agribusiness and manufacturing

Clusters with a focus on areas that are environmentally stressed and/or vulnerable to climate

change and natural disasters.

Machinery & Equipment is an important sub-sector of the overall manufacturing sectors

in Bangladesh and it is fueling the growth of many other industries in the country. Around

34 Light Engineering (LE) clusters are spread over 18 districts across the country. Its

Market size stands at USD 12 billion, projected to grow to USD 25 billion by 2025.

Local production meets only 50% of local demand, creating tremendous scope for

import substitution

  • Due to the lack of modern machinery, skilled manpower, and proper access to finance,

the MEs cannot maintain the proper quality of the product at a competitive market price.

Thus a significant amount of machinery and equipment is imported, which exhausts a

million dollars each year.



 Overview of the Sub-Project

Economic Activity (Sub-sector)  Spare parts manufacturing (Machineries and Equipment)
Title of the Sub-project  Sustainably developing industrial spare parts and equipment  manufacturing workshops by adopting environmentally  sustainable practice
District  01 (Dhaka)
Upazila/ Thana  02 (Keraniganj, Jatrabari)
Branches  05 (Kholomora, Rajendrapur, Delpara, SaluliaDonia and  Dholaikhal)
Number of MEs (covered by PO)  500
Project Duration  2 years

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