From February 8th to 10th, 2024, BASTOB proudly participated in the Suponno Somahar: Environment-Friendly Microenterprise Fair 2024, organized by PKSF (Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation). This event served as a platform for microenterprises to showcase their environmentally conscious products and initiatives. BASTOB, committed to sustainable development and empowering micro-entrepreneurs, showcased its range of products across different stalls, captivating visitors with innovative machinery and electric products.We believe in the transformative power of microenterprises. Through our programs and support, we empower individuals to create sustainable livelihoods while fostering environmental stewardship. The Suponno Somahar provided an ideal opportunity for us to highlight the incredible work of our micro-entrepreneurs and the impact of their endeavors.


Throughout the event, BASTOB SEP team engaged with visitors, sharing insights into our mission, production processes, and the stories behind each product. We were thrilled to witness the enthusiasm and support from attendees who appreciated our focus on environmental responsibility and social impact. Many visitors expressed interest in collaborating with BASTOB and supporting our micro-entrepreneur’s journey toward sustainable prosperity.


BASTOB remains dedicated to expanding opportunities for micro-entrepreneurs, promoting eco-friendly practices, and contributing to a more sustainable future. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) for organizing this impactful platform and to all those who visited our stalls and embraced our vision for a better world. The Suponno Somahar 2024 was a resounding success for BASTOB, reaffirming our commitment to sustainable development and showcasing the potential of microenterprise to drive positive change. We thank everyone who visited our stalls, engaged with our team, and supported our micro-entrepreneurs’ journey toward a more prosperous and environmentally friendly future. Together, let’s continue building a world where entrepreneurship thrives, communities prosper, and the planet flourishes.


