From August 25, 2017 the Rohingya people started to enter to Teknaf Sub-District of Cox’s Bazar District by the river Naf. Thousands of Rohingya victims crossed this river within just one day. From the 1st day to till date there over one million Rohingya Refugees are living the Ukhiya and Teknaf sub-districts of Cox’s Bazar district. These Rohingya people are victim torture of the Myanmar army where this Rohingya Community were tortured, raped, killed, burned and forced to migrated in Bangladesh.
BASTOB immediately started its emergency relief operation from the surplus money of microfinance. Gradually some other donors came forward with BASTOB to assist the Rohingya people. Some of BASTOB’s efforts are as follows:
Distributing of Non Food Items among 1600 Rohingya families with 600 Children dress support:
Unchiprang Camp, Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar where living around 45,000 Rohingya Communities was selected for the project local considering the 1st phase work and need of the communities. The camp is divided in 5 blocks like A, B, C, D and E. In the 1st phase BASTOB work only in the block A where distributed 400 families Non-Food Items (NFIs). As there was huge demand of the given materials from the community as well as from the local Army camp, BASTOB continued with this camp for 1600 more families who were living in the block B, C, D and E and each block received 400 family kits. There were also given 600 babies dresses to cover babies dress crises. There were provided 19 items among the 1600 families. List of NFIs Distributed are as follows:
The above materials were highly accepted by the community and army camp. All of them found very happy while receiving the materials.

Construction of 60 Toilets:
To construct these 60 latrines sets there was collected the list of the WASH sector and find out the gap of the latrines those are needed for the community. Through the list, all the point was physically verified and check the need of the locality. GPRS data was collected for each latrine before the installation of the latrine and after the completion this data was verified.
There were several designs which were produced by UNHCR and approved by the Department of the Public Health. One of the designs was taken by BASTOB to work on it which was double pit latrines consisting 10 x 2 = 20 rings of 48” diameter each.
The construction of the latrine was combined with Outside Tin Shed, inside RCC Pillar and wooden frame, finished brick floor with ceramic pan. All the latrines were equipped with water pot, soap and with cleaning liquid and brushes.
Total 60 Latrines were provided in different zone of Leda, Camp. Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar and the specifically 1. South Alikhali Zone D, Camp No. 25 – 16 Sets Latrines, 2. Leda Extension Camp Zone B Camp No. 24 total 20 sets latrine, 3. West Leda Camp Zone A – total latrines sets 24.

Construction of 60 Bathhouses:
Women of the Muslim Rohingya families are not used to use commonly bathrooms. The bathhouses are more important than their 3 times meals. Women are found very happy getting this facility at their door. Most of the NGOs have provided toilets but they did not provide bathhouses for these Rohingya Communities. BASTOB provided 60 bathhouses at the Leda Camp, Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar with other 60 toilets.
Total 60 bathhouses were provided in different zone of Leda, Camp. Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar and the specifically 1. South Alikhali Zone D, Camp No. 25 – 16 Sets Latrines, 2. Leda Extension Camp Zone B Camp No. 24 total 20 sets bathhouses, 3. West Leda Camp Zone A – total bathhouses 24.
Bathhouses are also well equipped with necessary water pot, water container, soap and soap box and cleaning brushes.

Formation of Hygiene Promotion Committee:
There are formed 60 Hygiene Promotion Committees who are responsible to maintain these latrines and bathhouses. They will ensure cleanliness of the toilets and bathhouses regular basis. They are also advised to ensure cleanliness materials once it is finished.
Provide Training to the Community use and maintain the Toilets and Bathhouse:
There are provided orientation session to the Rohingya communities who are direct user of the latrines and bathhouses. Children, women and men were the part of this orientation. They are orientated on personal and family cleanliness. BASTOB health Promoters have provided this orientation to the community visiting door to door. Object of this orientation was to make them clean themselves as well as provided WASH infrastructures.

Installation of 5 Rainwater Harvesting Points:
Water crisis is one of the most important crises in the Leda Camp both for the Host and Rohingya Communities because of sea site. Considering this crisis BASTOB and HELP e. V. found an alternative source of water that is installation of rainwater harvesting points. BASTOB has provided 5 rainwater harvesting points using the roof of toilet and bathhouse as the pilot basis. Rohingya communities will be able to capture the water during the monsoon and overcome the water crisis. There is provided a 500-liter water tank with necessary pipe fittings to capture the water while raining.

Rainwater Harvesting Points GPRS Data:

Water Tank and Water Distribution Point:
Site improvement work 450 Feet street repairing:
Moving on mud-street was very difficult for both the host and Rohingya communities who are living around the Leda Camp West. The Site for this work was requested by the IOM who are responsible for the site improvement work of all Rohingya Camps situated in Leda, Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar. BASTOB team visited the site and found the necessity of this road for the host and Rohingya Communities. Finally, site was selected and started the work. A total of 450 feet road was repaired with sands and bricks. This work was highly appreciated by all the communities living around west Leda Camp.

Site Improvement GPRS Data: